The Steroid Hormone Receptors

The Steroid Hormone Receptors

Serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) was determined according to Morimoto et al. [21] by solid phase enzyme linked immune assay (ELISA) kits (Immuno Biological Laboratories, Inc (IBL. Germany). The animals were obtained from the animal house colony of National Research Centre. The animals were maintained in wire bottomed cages at room temperature (25 ± 2ºC) with controlled lightening (12 h light and 12 h darkness cycle).

  • The use of high ND dose for either short or long term as well as the repeated use of recommended ND dose for long term had deleterious effects evidenced by impairing kidney and liver functions, deteriorating thyroid, adrenal glands activities and disturbing oxidant/antioxidant balance.
  • Kidney tissue superoxide anion (A) kidney tissue lipid peroxides (B) Kidney tissue superoxide dismutase activity (C) and kidney tissue catalase activity (D) Different letters on columns indicate statistically.
  • However, injecting male rats with low ND dose for long term (12 week) resulted in significant increase in the level of superoxide anion by 42% in comparison with the normal control (Figure 4A).
  • Binding of the hormone to the receptor may be only one of several factors that activates or transforms the receptor, enabling it to bind as a dimer to specific hormone response elements located adjacent to or sometimes at a distance from the transcription start site of the regulated gene.
  • The results indicated that ingesting male rats with high ND dose (15 mg/kg/week) for either short or long term caused significant reduction in the activity of SOD in kidney tissues by -34% and -45%, respectively as compared to the normal control .The low ND dose (3 mg/kg/week) for short term had no significant effect in this respect.

Increase in cortisol exerts negative feedback control on both CRH, vasopressin and consequently on ACTH, leading to ACTH inhibition [50]. Serum T3 level (A) Serum T4 level (B), Serum TSH level (C) Plasma Corticosterone concentration (D) and plasma ACTH concentration (E) . Kidney tissue superoxide anion (A) kidney tissue lipid peroxides (B) Kidney tissue superoxide dismutase activity (C) and kidney tissue catalase activity (D) Different letters on columns indicate statistically. The measurement of urea concentration in blood has had clinical application in the assessment of renal function. The activity of tissue superoxide dismutase (SOD) was measured using the method of Marklund [28]. Tissue catalase activity was determined according to Clairborne method [29].

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The role of ND in thyroid gland structure is not yet fully understood [47]. It was reported that gonadal steroids affect thyroid gland not only in a direct manner through androgen receptors on thyroid follicular cell but also indirectly through the hypothalamic pituitary axis. Initiation of transcription is a complex event occurring through the cooperative interaction of multiple factors at the target gene promoter (Fig. 4). When bound to the specific HRE on the DNA, the hormone-receptor complex interacts with basal transcription factors and with other proteins to stabilize basal transcription factor binding and promote the assembly of the transcription initiation complex. Once the transcription initiation complex is in place, the enzyme RNA polymerase II is recruited to the transcription start site where it begins transcribing the DNA sequence into mRNA. Hormone response element (HRE) binding sites for steroid/nuclear receptors.


Total protein in tissue homogenate was determined according to Chromy et al. [27] using diagnostic kits provided by Biocon (Germany) following the instructions of manufacturer. Renal tissue superoxide anion was determined according to the modified method of Hassoun et al. [24] following the principle of Babior et al. [25] which measured the production of superoxide anion in tissue on the basis of cytochrome c reduction. Lipid peroxidation was determined according to Placer et al. [26] which depends on the determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) content.

However, administration of the low ND dose (3 mg/kg/week) for 6 weeks had no significant effect on both serum AST and ALT. Ingesting male rats with the low dose for 12 weeks resulted in significant increment of 21% for AST and 18% for ALT as compared to the untreated rats (Figure 2A and 2B). In the present study ingesting male rats with high ND dose (15 mg/kg/week) for either short-term (6 week) or long-term (12 weeks) significantly elevated the level of serum creatinine However the recommended ND dose (3mg/kg/week) for short term had no significant effect on serum creatinine. Whereas the low dose (recommended dose) of ND for long term resulted in significant increment in the level of serum creatinine (Figure 1A). Injecting male rats with high ND dose (15 mg/kg/week) for either short or long term induced significant elevation in the level of superoxide anion by 89% and 142%, respectively compared to the untreated control rats.

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